Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

RESEP SAYUR BAYAM (Indonesia - Inggris)

Resep oleh Putri Rahmatul Isti’anah

Alat    :
Pisau, panci, sendok sayur, mangkok, piring, sendok

Bahan – bahan       :
2 ikat bayam, disiangi
1 buah wortel, dipotong miring

1 buah jagung manis, dipotong menjadi 5-6 bagian
1,5 butir bawang merah, diiris tipis
4 cm temu kunci, dimemarkan
1/2 sendok teh garam 
1 sendok teh gula pasir 
2.500 ml air 

Cara membuat       :
1.      Nyalakan kompor dan didihkan air.
2.      Lalu, masukkan bawang merah dan temu kunci. Rebus sampai harum.
3.      Masukkan wortel dan jagung. Masak sampai empuk.
4.      Kemudian, masukkan bayam. Masak hingga matang.
5.      Terakhir, tambahkan garam dan gula pasir. Masak sampai mendidih.
6.      Kira – kira 3 menit, angkat dan sajikan.

*Peringatan : Sayur bayam yang telah lama didiamkan berbahaya, ini terjadi karena adanya proses oksidasi yang terjadi antara udara dan bayam. Jadi sekali masak harus habis.

Recipe by Putri Rahmatul Isti’anah

Equipments :
Knife, pan, vegetable spoon, bowl, plate, spoon, stove

Ingredients :
2 bonds of spinach
A carrot, cut sideways
A sweet corn, have cut by 5-6 part
1,5 cloves of onions, cut it thin
4 cm temu kunci, flattened
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
2,500 ml water

How to Make          :
1.      Firstly, turn on the stove and boil water.
2.      Then, put onions and temu kunci. Poached until it smells fragrant.
3.      Put down the carrots that have been cut and corns. Cook until tender.
4.      The last, let’s put the spinach on. And cook until ripe.
5.      Finally, add salt and sugar. Then cook until boil.
6.      Wait at about 3 minutes. Well have done! Time to take it up! Take it into a bowl. Decorate beautifully! And let’s serve it J

*Caution : Don’t eat Sayur Bayam more than 5 hours exactly after cooking, cause it must be so dangerous for your body. This is due to the oxidation process that occurs between air and the spinach. So once time cook, it must be exhausted.

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